Update on COVID-19 – College Subscription Services, LLC

College Subscription Services, LLC

At College Subscription Services, we are taking the safety of our employees and subscribers seriously. This is a public health issue that needs to be combated with drastic measures.
As CSS is located within the state of Illinois, we need to adjust some of our regular operating schedule.
  • Status of Illinois COVID-19 Response. Because Illinois is one of the few states that has met federal guidelines, businesses are slowly beginning to open up.   CSS has returned to a normal operating schedule.  However, because we transmit your subscription orders to fulfillment facilities in other states.....
  • Your subscription orders may still be delayed. However, we have not seen the anticipated delays we expected in March and April.  Please be patient as we try to work through the logistics of sending your magazine orders off to the publishers during this time.
  • Our off site call center remains open. We have partnered with an excellent call center that takes orders, messages and information during CSS' off hours, and you may continue to reach them at 855-927-7624 24/7. You can also email us at info@cssmag.com or mail your orders to us in the envelopes that we provide.
  • Thank you for your understanding. We know this is a trying period for everyone. Staying at home might means catching up on reading, We will do everything we can to facilitate that.


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